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Introducing the Representatives of Kazakhstan Courts to the Activities of Judicial Officers in Lithuania

Introducing the Representatives of Kazakhstan Courts to the Activities of Judicial Officers in Lithuania

On 4 July 2023, the Chamber of Judicial Officers of Lithuania welcomed the Heads of the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan, the Court of Administration, and a delegation of judges from the country.

During their visit, judicial officers S. Kastanauskienė, V. Paunovienė, S. Virbickas, and A. Auglys, along with the Director of the Chamber of Judicial Officers of Lithuania, D. Satkauskienė, introduced the activities of the Chamber to the guests.

They discussed the development of the institute of judicial officers and highlighted the increasing trust courts place in them. The judges from Kazakhstan showed particular interest in Lithuania’s experience in providing fact-finding services. They noted that such services not only assist service providers but also provide courts with qualified evidence, aiding in dispute resolution. The guests also inquired about the factors contributing to the relatively high work efficiency of judicial officers in Lithuania, the advantages of private judicial officers over their state-maintained counterparts, and the possibilities for expanding the scope of judicial officers’ competencies. From the perspective of the Chamber of Judicial Officers of Lithuania, one potential area of activity for judicial officers could involve making decisions regarding the forced collection of small and undisputed debts.


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