
30 January 2020
Judicial officers’ statistics: 1.5 times more debt repayment
In 2019, judicial officers returned to creditors nearly 103.7 million euros debts. That is 53 percent, or 36 million euros more than recovered in 2018. 89.9 million euros returned to private persons, 13.8 million euros – for public authorities.
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2 December 2019
Digital asset recovery: how to turn challenges into opportunities?
Initiated by the International Union of Judicial Officers (UIHJ), the Global Code for the Enforcement of Digital Assets aims to accelerate the development of practical recovery tools for various types of digital property.
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9 September 2019
Lithuania and Ukraine: judicial officers’ assistance relevant to enforcement of arbitral awards
Arbitration courts can be superior to state courts in shorter and simpler dispute resolution processes. However, effective arbitration procedures are necessary for the successful party to have a real practical outcome.
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30 July 2019
Ukraine is interested in Lithuania's experience in modernizing debt collection processes
Without new information technology, further development of the Ukrainian private enforcement system is impossible. Private judicial officers in Ukraine is seeking effective debt recovery and it is useful to listen to the advice of their successful European colleagues. Such insights were expressed during international conference "New Challenges of the Private Bailiff's Profession" which took place in Odessa, Ukraine on the 26th of July, 2019.
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